Ass of the Day

Aaron Heilman is really trying to be quite the stud these days. He’s managed to rack up 2 Ass of the Day awards in a week. Really quite the accomplishment. The sight of Heilman jogging in from the bullpen makes me physically nauscous now. And Co-Ass of the Day award goes to Willie Randolph who just looks like a complete ass trying to manage this bullpen.

There are people in this world trying to say Heilman will break out of this funk. I’ve heard the argument over and over again that Heilman gets off to a slow start. But could he get any worse than he has been?! One would hope he would be on track to have a better second half. I mean are you serious?

On a side note: There are many more nominations for ass of the day. How the hell does Brian Schneider have an infected thumb? How come no one knows what this is from? Who is Brian Schneider and what exactly does he look like? Joe Smith has been in the big leagues long enough to barely but creamer in his coffee and he’s heckling fans at Wrigley. Who the hell does he think he is? And can we officially say Delgado es finito? Because I have reached that point.

After all this I’m starting to think each of us should be nominated for ass of the day. If we keep tuning in to this mess every night, it’s going to be a very long season.

Sigh. Let’s go Mets.


  1. steph, get ready for a LOOONG summer..u think they should trade delgado for konerko or a better 1b?

  2. I nominate the Owner of this blog for the “Ass of the year” award you deserve it.These people are human beings not machines.

  3. ^^the guy above me needs to get a dick up his ass

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